So I wanted to make a
Cheap fall/Halloween craft this year. So I had been to a lot of different blogs looking (cause geeze, there are a lot of cute crafty blogs out there) but I finally found one that was in my budget that didn't require any sewing and I had pretty much all the stuff for it. I made pumpkin luminaries, or as I like to call them,
Jar O' Lanterns, haha I am cheesy. But they were super super easy and I think they turned out pretty cute. Here is the blog I got them from: http://www.craftsbyamanda.com/2009/10/halloween-painted-jar-luminaries.html
The lady who does this site works for like a disney website making craft tutorials, so I totally trusted her.

But any way, you just get the some Kerr jars, I had some left over from last years project of canning salsa (thanks mom, cause you gave me the jars in the first place) but then I just painted them one color and then waited a day for it to dry and then painted faces on them the next day. That was my favorite part, I loved making the cute little faces on them. But then I just sprayed them with some Krylon gloss spray paint and put some tea lights in them, and they were done. Super super easy!! Haha, I didn't actually have the acrylic craft paint, I mean I am young, most people my age don't even have Kerr Jars, so I thought I was a step ahead. But I had like acrylic paint from an actual like art paint set, yeah don't use those. I did and it ended up working, but it was a lot more difficult to use, the paint didn't go on very well and so I think my jars could have been a little bit better but I used stupid art paint. And I bet your like, well duh, its totally different, but I a not that crafty so I didn't know.. oops. Oh and the yellow one looks like its crying, but I just dripped paint a little under its eye again... double oops. But it looks more terrified I guess. Anyway these were fun.
Hmm.. Let me know if you can't post on here.
How cute! :)
I've been trying to think of a cute, cheap decoration! :) Thanks. I'm gonna try it.
So cute! I wonder if my mom will give me some jars...
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