
Jul 6, 2012

My little model

We went and took A-Cakes 7 month photos with my sister-in-law. We are so lucky we have three amazing girlies in our family that all take super amazing photos. You can find my SIL's photo information over on Facebook. Its called Sincerely, Lex PhotographyShe is moving to California (boo!), so if you live there, you should contact her for some photo-shoots. Or you can ask me about my other amazing SIL's that do photography too if you live in Utah. 

A-Cakes was happy all day, but for some reason, we got out there and she decided to be an ornery goose. So smiles were few and far between, but I think the pictures turned out gorgeous. 
We were exhausted by the end trying to make a ton of noise to get her to look at us, and not the grass. 

Finally a smile. And thats just cause she was being held by daddy.

We snapped a few family ones in there too.