Sep 29, 2010
My first Glue Gun
Sep 25, 2010
City of Ash and City of Glass
I just finished the Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare. In an earlier post I talked about City of Bones the first book in the series, but now I have finished the other two books in the series, City of Ash and City of Glass. City of Ash was average, but City of Glass was fantastic, all in all the series was very well done. This book definately kept me guessing til the end. The last book had so much suspense in it, I really couldn't guess what was going to happen, which was a nice change. The character development was very well done as well. The romance part of this book was good, but I will be honest, some parts creeped me out a bit... I think the author could have done a better job in that aspect. Cause some parts were just weird... But anyway I liked the series and so I give it four out of five stars ****
Sep 23, 2010
Jar o' lantern
The lady who does this site works for like a disney website making craft tutorials, so I totally trusted her.
Sep 20, 2010
Cafe Rio and Two Fires
So then on Friday night we went up to the canyon and roasted smores over a fire with some friends until some large animal started making alot of noise in the bushes and freaked all of us girls out so we left after an hour and then went and got snow cones, courtesey of one of our lovely friends.
A Hue of Blue
'Reds and blues spend their whole lives trying to control people,
Yellows and Whites spend their lives refusing to be controlled.'
Color overview:
Red: Power Hungry, Productive, self-critical, wonderful leaders, insensetive, goal setters, organizers,
Responsible, competetive, excellent decision maker.
Blue: Emotional, judgemental and self-righteous, guilt prone, responsible, perfectionistic, loyal, highly demanding, nurturing, passionate, loving, dedicated, sincire, analyitcal.
White: Peacemaker, non-confronational, patient, tolerant, unmotivated and lazy, sometimes boring, unproductive, insecure, gentle, adaptable, withholds feelings.
Yellow: Happy, fun, self-centered, irresponsible, enthusiastic, care free, uncommitted, superficial, exciting and playful, disorganized, superficial, undisciplined, super talkative, trusting,
Sep 8, 2010
Fall Time Fun List
Activities that I want to do this fall:
Go on a picnic in the park.
Visit Wheeler Farm
Have a photo shoot of Jeremy and I at like a park or somewhere.
Host a game night
See duckies one last time on the trail by our house.
Walk around Day Break Lake
Go to the coppermine
Go to Barnes and Noble and sit in one of their comfy chairs and read
Make one last trip to the mountains
Swing on swings
Finish my last player on Fable
Have a Mario Party Night
Have Pride and Prejudice day
Host a party
See Harry Potter 7
Have Harry Potter night
Read Pride and Prejudice
Go on a picnic in the park.
Visit Wheeler Farm
Have a photo shoot of Jeremy and I at like a park or somewhere.
Host a game night
See duckies one last time on the trail by our house.
Walk around Day Break Lake
Go to the coppermine
Go to Barnes and Noble and sit in one of their comfy chairs and read
Swing on swings
Finish my last player on Fable
Have a Mario Party Night
Have Pride and Prejudice day
Host a party
See Harry Potter 7
Have Harry Potter night
Read Pride and Prejudice
Sep 4, 2010
Tiny kitchens and Cooking the Orient Way.
Thursday night Jeremy and I made Chinese food, and it was YUMMY!!
Jeremy made fried rice. I don't know why but he is so much better at making rice than I am. I mean sure I can make it in my rice cooker, but anything more complex than that is just my funeral. I can barley make those dang Rice-A-Roni packages! So I made the rice in my rice cooker and let Jeremy take over from there since he is the fried rice expert apparently. Also I can't make fried rice cause you have to scramble eggs with it, and since I don't care for eggs all that much I haven't ever learned to scramble eggs. But oh my gosh his fried rice was the best he has ever made it. AMAZING!!! We gobbled that stuff up like there was no tomorrow.
While Jeremy was showing off his mad skills in the rice department, I was making Mandarin chicken. Basically I just cooked up some chicken and veggies and then poured the mandarin sauce over it. So I guess I kinda cheated, it was just the Panda Express Mandarin sauce, so it tasted a lot like theirs. Weirdly enough the left overs of this tasted even better than when it was fresh the day before. I think cause it had been like soaking in the sauce all night and was all flavorful the next day.
I also made chowmein noodles. I got the recipe online but ho mein nestly it was only average, I won't ever make it again. There is a shockingly small number of chow recipes on the web. I don't know what this world is coming to. But really, online community, I was very disappointed in all of you for not giving me a quality recipe. Especially you Panda Express, why can't I get a descent copy cat recipe of your chow mien, Jeremy loves it ever so much!!
We ended our night with some brownies that I had made a few hours earlier, cause I am a sucker for the chocolate.
So overall it was a delicious night. We barely had enough for leftovers the next night.
By the way, did you notice the size of my kitchen. It is sooo TINY! Its amazing that I can barely cook anything at all in that thing. I mean with the two of us cooking in there I can barely move. It is just so sad. I want a big counter to bake cookies and lay out my big giant cutting board on, really, I have an extra large cutting board and it really doesn't even fit on my counter top. Its so ridiculous. Someone donate me your big kitchen and I'll bake for you.
City of Bones
City of Bones By Cassandra Clare, First book in the Mortal Instrument series
I just barely finished this book this morning.So here is my review:
Summary of book:
When Clary Fray heads out to a night club with her friends, she hardly is expecing to witness a murder, much less a murder by teenagers covered with strange markings. This is Clary's first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to rridding the earth of demons-and keeping werewolves and vampires in line. It's also her first meeting with gorgous golden-haired Jace. Within 24 hours Clary is pulled into Jace's workd with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. But why would demons be interested in an ordinary mundane like Clary?
I just barely finished this book this morning.So here is my review:
Summary of book:

Ok so I really liked this book. It was upbeat and romantic and had a lot of good fantasy action which I love. The characters were well formed, and not at all annoying. I say that cause many books' characters annoy me, and are super super whiney, but this book the characters were well done. I was a little iffy about reading this, the first chapter was a little weird and also the author is friends with other author, Holly Black who writes fantasy novels and I hate Holly Black's novels, they are super weird and have a lot of language in them. But getting through the first chapter I started liking it more and more. I also liked Cassandra Clare's style of writing. I am really looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
City of Bones Four out of Five Stars ****
Sep 1, 2010
Ok so I have had a couple people say that when they click on my pages, such as the recipe or book page, it doesn't go to the page. But it totally does. It just looks like it doesn't change cause the picture is the same (dont think there is a way to change that) so just scroll down the page and you will see it is most definately a different page.
Cookie Day!
I Love, Love, Love cookies. On Sunday I made my famous Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies. These are pretty much the best cookies ever. You have got to try them. They are super super easy to make too and Jeremy and I ate three dozen cookies all by ourselves, haha I especially have no self control when it comes to these things. The recipe is on my recipe page if you want to try it out. For some reason whenever I have been making these cookies or any other cookies lately they have been going flat. They have never done that before, but ever since we got married and moved to this place they go flat. I think my oven is just weird or the humidity here is different or something. But anyway, if you find this is happening to you and any of your cookie recipes I found a solution!! If you put the dough in the fridge for twenty minutes before cooking the dough, it will be perfect.