
Sep 1, 2010

Cookie Day!

I Love, Love, Love cookies. On Sunday I made my famous Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies. These are pretty much the best cookies ever. You have got to try them. They are super super easy to make too and Jeremy and I ate three dozen cookies all by ourselves, haha I especially have no self control when it comes to these things. The recipe is on my recipe page if you want to try it out. For some reason whenever I have been making these cookies or any other cookies lately they have been going flat. They have never done that before, but ever since we got married and moved to this place they go flat. I think my oven is just weird or the humidity here is different or something. But anyway, if you find this is happening to you and any of your cookie recipes I found a solution!! If you put the dough in the fridge for twenty minutes before cooking the dough, it will be perfect.


  1. Yum! I'm always looking for new recipes for yummy treats. Thanks Ness!

  2. You're killing me with the cookies and brownies Vanessa...I love oatmeal cookies and brownies. No sugar for me for a while!


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