Mr. and Mrs. Pacman
So we went to my cousins' Halloween party on Friday night which was fun. We are supposed to bring a side or dessert for everone. So I wanted to make these really cute cookies that look like owls that I seen on another blog. They ended up looking super cute and were a bit of a pain to make so I was so excited when they turned out cute, but I tasted one and it had like no taste, it was like eating flour. Ick. I totally followed the recipe and everything... So I was irritated about that, I could not bring these tastless cookies to a party, so I was short on time so I thought I would make my mom's recipe of this super duper good popcorn with like marshmallows and stuff in it, but my hot air popper all of a sudden picked that moment to break and it started smoking and it was not good. So I ran to the grocery store and got some brownies. It was not a good couple of days for making things. But at the party everyone loved our costumes so that was a plus.
Tastless Owl Cookies
On Saturday I wanted to pass out candy to all the trick or treaters. In Utah everyone goes trick or treating on Saturday if Halloween lands on a Sunday. So I bought all this candy for them, cause there are a gagillion kids in our apartment complex... Ok, we got a grand total of two kids!! How lame is that. So I gave most of it to our primary kids the next day. But it was ok, on Saturday instead of passing out candy we watched a couple documentaries on Serial killers and then watched the fourth Harry Potter. I made a nice dinner and it was a fun Halloween night.
Jeremy ALWAYS blinks during pictures
See what I mean??!
Ahh the ghost is coming!!
You guys are so creative!!!! Love it!!! I'm so glad you guys came to the party!!!