So I am not going to lie to all of you, yesterday I had an incredibly lazy day.
Basically I took the day of work off, I slept in until eleven! Thats right, eleven. I ate breakfast at noon and didn't clean the apartment at all. The hubs had a lazy day too, he skipped school and stayed home as well. In his defense, he did work, but since he works from home on his laptop, its still lazy. We didn't shower at all, we stayed in our pj's all day and didn't brush our teeth. Gross I know, but sometimes you have to have those days. Pretty much I ate cookies and played video games all day. Haha it was a blast!!
Now today I am working and have about twenty thousand dishes to do, but it was so worth it!
I challenge all of you to have a lazy day where you do absolutely nothing, it feels wonderful.
Lazy days are the best! I soooo wish I could still sleep in until 11, but my inner clock wakes me up way too early on Saturdays!