
Feb 22, 2011

pork chops and apple stuffing recipe

Sorry this is sooo late in the day, my power was out the whole day. And I had to go into work rather than working from home, which meant I had to shower, do my hair and make up all in the dark. It was freaky I tell ya. Oh and work at the office is so boring, I was dying there. Feel bad for me! :)

So one day I was super bored and started watching PBS, or some channel like that (because I spend my time wisely) and along comes this weird cooking show and this little old lady starts cooking up these pork chops and stuffed them with apples and stuffing, by the end I was drooling and so was my hubby who had eventually fallen into boredom with me and watched the cooking show too. But I wrote down the recipe, and have since made it several times and love it! It is super super easy too.

Pork chops and Apple Stuffing

4 boneless pork chopped and diced
1 Apple, chopped and diced in small pieces
1 C. Apple Juice
1 box Stove Top Stuffing

So I used small pork chops, they are so tiny and thin, but I had them in my freezer as left overs for another recipe, so I just worked with what I had. Plus I like when my meat is more thin.

First Step: Prepare stuffing as directed on box.  You can of course make your own stuffing the lady on tv made her own, but me and the hubs are really big fans of Stove Top, and the tv lady said you could use boxed kind anyway. It is way easier too. Once the stuffing is made, put your apple chunks into the stuffing and mix it around.

Step 2: Cut the pork chop open as shown in picture below, so you make a type of pocket in the pork chop (does anyone know what this process is actually called? cause I don't) Then fill your pocket with the stuffing with the apples in it. (the apples in the picture look HUGE, I think its just because the pork is so tiny... Also my pockets would have been better if the pork was thicker. 
Once you have done this with all the pork chops put them in a greased glass pan and press the rest of the stuffing in the pan. Pour the cup of apple juice in the pan over the stuffing. 

Bake at 375 degrees for 25-30 minutes until pork is cooked through. 

Serve pork with the stuffing.

Ahh don't look at my paltry salad. I didn't feel like adding anything to it! 

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