
Mar 14, 2011

On the Road Again.

We are hitting the road and visiting this state:

New Mexico. 

Thats where my folks live, Albuquerque to be exact. 
My mom and dad, and brother and sister moved there last year for my dad's job. It is not incredibly far away, but still, its a ten hour drive or an hour flight. 

The land of the Rio Grande River, where they put green chiles on EVERYTHING, even @ McDonalds, and where you find lizards in your house that scare my mom half to death. 

So we are visiting them over my hubby's spring break. 

Since I will be out of town this week, I won't be able to post as much. I will still do a couple this week, but don't expect any more crafts this week, they will be posts chronicling my vacation in the desert land. 

(Yes, Utah is a desert, but it is cold here right now, and it only looks like a desert in Southern Utah where no one lives.) 

Wish us a safe trip. 

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