Thank you guys so much. I can't believe I have 100 followers. It is crazy. You guys are amazing, thank you for following.
Now I know I haven't been posting as much and I said a couple weeks ago that I was sorry cause I had been busy with moving and stuff and I promised I would be posting more.
Unfortunately I have not been posting more and I am so sorry. I am not done with this blog, and I do have some projects in mind that I am hoping to work on soon, but honestly I have been so tired lately.
Cause two weeks ago (actually on the day that we were moving) I found out I am pregnant.
Which was such awesome news and we couldn't be more happy.
I am now 7 weeks pregnant, super tired and now in the throws of MORNING SICKNESS.
I am on a diet of Fruit Loop, Otter pops, and whatever craving I am having at the moment, yesterday it was a hamburger, and today it is garlic bread (which I do not have, sorry baby)
So honestly I have had no motivation to craft, and cooking is not high on my priority list when I am bent over the toilet throwing up my grape juice.
This is baby #1 so I am not quite used to my body feeling so insanely awful. But hopefully it passes soon, or my doctor gives me some medication soon!
So I will continue with this blog, but I apologize if I cannot post as often.
I appreciate you guys sticking by me.
And I will keep you updated on our baby.
This week it is the size of a blueberry.
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