
May 1, 2011

Two Wonderful Years.

Two Years Ago today, I married this man...

We were married on 5/2/09 at 11:00 am at the Draper Utah Temple. 
It was the happiest day of my life. 
I am so lucky to be married to my wonderful best friend. 
I have loved every minute of these last two years, 
I can't wait to spend eternity with this man!
And I am so excited for our little family to grow even more when baby comes. 

A glimpse at two years ago:


  1. Cute Vanessa. I'm so glad you two found each other, you seem to make a perfect match. :)

  2. Happy anniversary! (Visiting your blog via a comment you left on Pioneer Woman.) I just had to comment because we live near the Draper temple and it's one of my favorites.

  3. I just found your blog, it's so cute! Do u remember me? Savannah, Adam's cousin! Anyway I am totally following your blog :) And are you pregnant? I read "when baby comes" in this post, if so congratulations!!! Have a great day!

  4. I just found your blog, it's so cute! Do u remember me? Savannah, Adam's cousin! Anyway I am totally following your blog :) And are you pregnant? I read "when baby comes" in this post, if so congratulations!!! Have a great day!


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