
Jul 29, 2011

Looks like I am gonna be able to buy a lot of pink stuff!

So last week I had my ultrasound and got to take our second look at our baby! Our first look at it, it was the size of a bean, so seeing its little face and body was so cute and amazing! And we found out we are having a little girl. A super active girl the ultrasound tech told us, she kept wiggling sooo much! I figured she was pretty active cause she moves ALL DAY! But I love feeling her little kicks. And as of a few days ago my hubby can feel her kicks too, sometimes. 

I already bought cute pink crib bedding and my mom was wonderful enough to buy us a stroller carseat combo, so that was awesome, so we are almost there! Just the crib is the main thing we need, and I am not going to buy that until later in the fall since right now we live in a basement, but in November we move into a town house, so that will be awesome! 

Her name is Analiese Kayla Pierson! 

Me at 19 weeks, I need to take a new pic soon cause I am now at 21 weeks, but I am pretty much this size...

Jul 18, 2011


I am halfway through my pregnancy, Wahoo! Although it does seem like the halfway point should have been long ago. These last few months are like in slow motion. 
But today I finally get to see my baby. I have my ultrasound tonight at five (yeah I have to wait clear tonight for my husband to get home to go, its going to be a long day) but we get to find out what gender the baby is. I am so excited. I feel like it might be a boy. 
It is an incredibly active baby, I felt it move at 17 weeks and it hasn't stopped moving since, and it kicks the hardest when I am watching action movies, such as Thor. So all signs point to boy! But who knows, maybe its just a girl and it also thinks Thor is incredibly hot and thats why it kicks so hard... 
And the ring on the string over the belly thing pointed to a girl... so I am at a loss. 
But  I am excited to find out, and especially to see the little munchkin that has been living in me for the last five months. 

Jul 2, 2011

Patriotic Wreaths

Ok, apparently I have wreath fever! 

Here are some amazingly creative and oh so very charming wreaths that are perfect for Independence Day. 

 Sorry I haven't actually made any wreaths for you. But since I live in like a basement, I don't have a door to put it on, so it seems like a waste to make one right now... 

How totally cute is this ruffled burlap flag wreath from The Scrap Shoppe??

I love this Coffee Filter wreath from Tattered and Inked
I have a coffee filter wreath that I won on another blog and I love love love it!! 
And this one is just so cute and patriotic. You can also do them in any color scheme you want. 
Mine has glittered edges. I wanted to take a pic of it, but it is packed away, no room for it in our temporary little basement home... 
Ok this wreath is made from cardstock!! Cardstock people! 
And it is 3-D. Head over to Gluesticks to see how she made them. 

This wreath looks so simple and is made out of cupcake liners! How cute! Head over to a Mommy's Life to see how its made. 

Ok, Extremely cool patriotic wreath! This is made from 400 miniature flags. 
The tutorial is over at The Pike Family

Head over to Just Sew Sassy to find out how to make this burlap pinwheel wreath. I love how I have two burlap wreaths on here, but they are both so incredibly different! You people are so creative, you amaze me! 

Super cute, love all of these wreaths. they are totally the perfect edition to your Independence Day Decor.