
Jul 29, 2011

Looks like I am gonna be able to buy a lot of pink stuff!

So last week I had my ultrasound and got to take our second look at our baby! Our first look at it, it was the size of a bean, so seeing its little face and body was so cute and amazing! And we found out we are having a little girl. A super active girl the ultrasound tech told us, she kept wiggling sooo much! I figured she was pretty active cause she moves ALL DAY! But I love feeling her little kicks. And as of a few days ago my hubby can feel her kicks too, sometimes. 

I already bought cute pink crib bedding and my mom was wonderful enough to buy us a stroller carseat combo, so that was awesome, so we are almost there! Just the crib is the main thing we need, and I am not going to buy that until later in the fall since right now we live in a basement, but in November we move into a town house, so that will be awesome! 

Her name is Analiese Kayla Pierson! 

Me at 19 weeks, I need to take a new pic soon cause I am now at 21 weeks, but I am pretty much this size...

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