
Aug 5, 2011

Onesie Love

 I am finally inspired to start crafting again, babies can do that to you I guess. I want to make so much cute pink stuff for the little girl growing inside me. So my first project was one I saw on pinterest, it is so freaking cute. 

A cute little necklace on the shirt!

All I did was paint it with some fabric paint with an eraser tip, and sew on a couple buttons and a bow, it seriously was so easy. You can find the original HERE along with the entire tutorial and all the details on how to make it. I looked at the original pic again and the paint dots were a bit closer together, which I should have done, but I like my big pink buttons, so I guess its all good. And I think it still turned out cute. But man, even sewing on buttons was getting me frusterated. I am not a sewer at all, no talent in that area whatsoever.

But I have a few more baby projects I am working on, and also some other projects that are not for baby, and just pretty for my future home. I am excited to get back into crafting! I just barely got a pinterest account and I am obsessed, so that probably has something to do with all my new inspiration too... 
You can follow me on pinterest here

1 comment:

  1. That is just so stinkin' cute!!! :) I love it!! I'm obsessed with pinterest too!! following you now :)


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