
Aug 28, 2011

Homemade Pizza Rolls

So those frozen pizza rolls always look amazing to me, but since they have cheese inside of them, I can't eat them... But I just found a recipe for homemade ones and I was intrigued because homemade means I can make them without cheese. And let me tell you, these were some of the best things I have ever eaten. They were sooo amazing!! I am seriously in love with this meal. 
I did make half of them with cheese for my husband so he could eat them too. 

They were super duper easy to make too. The hardest part is frying them in oil, cause I hate frying things, it freaks me out, but I dealt with it, and have made this twice in like a week and a half. 
So here is what you need. 
 1 pckg egg roll wraps
Mozzarella Cheese
Pizza Sauce (I used two of the small Ragu Pizza Sauce Jars, one for the sauce inside the rolls, and one jar for dipping the rolls in)

So I didn't like measure it or anything, with this meal you don't really need to measure, its pretty easy to eye it. But if you want the full recipe and more detailed instructions over at Fantastical Sharing of Recipes, she explains it so well. She mixes everything in a bowl first and then fills it in the egg roll wraps, but I just kept everything separate cause it was easier to do since I didn't add cheese to my half. 

So first get your egg roll wraps

I laid a wrap out on my cutting board in a diamond shape and then put some Ragu pizza sauce on it, just like a spoonful of it. 

Then I piled on the pepperonis and the cheese on top of the sauce. 

I found the cutest little pepperonis, they are mini and fit so perfectly in the rolls, but if you don't have them you can just cut your pepperonis. 

Once you have everything in your wrap you bring up the bottom corner and fold the top under like it shows in the pic below. The instructions should also be on your egg roll wrap pckg on how to roll it 

Now bring the two sides over to the middle. 

Then bring the top part down, you will have a little corner like I have shown left, put some water on the corner with your fingers and then press it into the middle of the wrap.

Get some oil really hot in a pot, once oil is hot enough place the pizza rolls in there, let them fry until crispy and browned and then turn over and cook on the other side. 
Put on a paper towel when they are done to absorb oil. Serve with warmed pizza sauce to dip them in. 

So easy and seriously amazing to eat. Totally unhealthy for you, but soo worth it. And I am sure kids would love them! 

Aug 16, 2011

Despicable Me Cupcakes.

So I have a new love, Pinterest. I just got an account a couple weeks ago and I am so obsessed. But I was browsing on it the other day and came across these cupcakes from Plucky Momo, they are like the minions from Despicable Me. I liked the show but it wasn't one of my favorites, but I was in love with these cupcakes and I wanted to make them so bad cause they were so freaking cute. My sister-in-law however loves, loves, loves that show, and she was coming over that day, so I ran to the store, got my ingredients and quickly made them up. They were really easy to make. 

I did however kindof over fill the cupcake tins, so my cupcakes were hanging off the side a bit... so they were a nightmare to frost. I hate frosting things really really badly. So try not to look at my white frosting job on the cupcake... Cause I just didn't care. 

So all you do is you get some twinkies, cut them in half and pipe on some black frosting. You need some for the mouth, and then some for the glasses, I made little lines for the glasses and then two dots where the lenses should be, I put white smarties on the two little dots and then two more dots on the smarties. Next just place some chocolate sprinkles on top of them for the hair and stick the twinkie onto a frosted cupcake. EASY! 

Here is the picture on Pinterest of them. I couldn't find the actual page of them on Plucky Momo's blog, when the pin was made it was made on her site, and then she moved her site, so the pinterest pic works best. Hers are cuter than mine, but I was in kindof a hurry and I'm just not a perfectionist when it comes to frosting... 

And just in case you haven't seen the show, this is what they look like in the movie. 

Aug 15, 2011

A is for...

Well I am now 24 weeks along. I feel really great, but feel ready for the baby to come and not to be pregnant anymore and I still have so long to go. 

But I have been making a lot of crafts for our little girl. I am so excited for her to come. 
I have most of our stuff for her too, a cradle, a play pen, carseat and stroller, changing table, crib bedding. I mainly just need a crib now, but we aren't getting that until she is closer to coming. 
I want her to like have everything pink! I am going to make such a girly girl out of her. 

So I went to the craft store, got some pink paint and a wooden A and painted it for her room. Her name is going to be Analiese Kayla Pierson. I got the name Analiese from Barbie Princess and the Pauper movie, it is a great show. And my wonderful husband liked the name luckily, of course he tells me to quit telling everyone its from a Barbie movie, but whatever. 

I just added a ribbon bow and sanded the edges a tad to give it dimension. 

Here is me at 24 weeks, I took the pic yesterday. 

Aug 5, 2011

Onesie Love

 I am finally inspired to start crafting again, babies can do that to you I guess. I want to make so much cute pink stuff for the little girl growing inside me. So my first project was one I saw on pinterest, it is so freaking cute. 

A cute little necklace on the shirt!

All I did was paint it with some fabric paint with an eraser tip, and sew on a couple buttons and a bow, it seriously was so easy. You can find the original HERE along with the entire tutorial and all the details on how to make it. I looked at the original pic again and the paint dots were a bit closer together, which I should have done, but I like my big pink buttons, so I guess its all good. And I think it still turned out cute. But man, even sewing on buttons was getting me frusterated. I am not a sewer at all, no talent in that area whatsoever.

But I have a few more baby projects I am working on, and also some other projects that are not for baby, and just pretty for my future home. I am excited to get back into crafting! I just barely got a pinterest account and I am obsessed, so that probably has something to do with all my new inspiration too... 
You can follow me on pinterest here