Do you ever get in a recipe funk? Where none of the recipes in any of your cookbooks sound good? I know I do. Plus I usually like to cook, so making the same foods all the time totally is boring. I think making a new recipe is exciting. So I have been on the hunt for some new recipes to try out. I had a few fails, I swear, I always fail at a recipe when I am making it for other people. I tried out this new smore's bar recipe and I was supposed to take it to a bbq, yeah they were so gross, I could not show up with those. That always happens.
But along with the fails I have come across some outstanding recipes from my fellow bloggers. These are some must try recipes that are delicious
These P.F. Changs knock off lettuce wraps from Iowa Girl Eats are amazing! They don't tast exactly like the ones at P.F. Changs, but they are still really good, and ten times more healthy for you too. They were pretty simple to make too.
Ok this Olive Oil Rosemary Bread is superb! I made it and dipped it in some olive oil and man it was awesome! Head over to A Hint of Honey for the recipe
Ok this Olive Oil Rosemary Bread is superb! I made it and dipped it in some olive oil and man it was awesome! Head over to A Hint of Honey for the recipe
So are you ever walking through the mall and you smell those delicious soft pretzels from Pretzel Maker? Seriously those things are like foods of the gods! I found this recip surprisingly e on Pinterest a month ago and made it and it was so amazing, seriously just as good as the ones at Pretzel Maker, and really easy to make. But I just went back to the blog I had pinned the recipe from and its moved and I can't find it now.... I am so upset. But luckily I had also pinned one from All Recipes that is pretty much the same and it got five stars, so it will be amazing I am sure. You have to make these, they are wonderful! I tried them with salt and some with cinnamon and sugar. Both ways were excellent.
Also I read you can just use Rhode's Dough for the pretzels too, need to try that!
And lastly, two nights ago I made homemade chicken nuggets. I got the recipe for them over at My Name is Snickerdoodle. They taste just like CHICK-FIl-A nuggets! They were soo good. My husband raved about them for days. And they were seriously like the easiest things ever to make. Although I did sustain a burn from the oil while I was frying them, but that is an every day occurrence for me... Try them dipped in honey, Delicious.
Now I just have to get around to cooking everything else on my recipe pinboard on pinterest. Seriously every time I get on there I get hungry.
wow them chicken nuggets look scrummy might have to have ago at making them ummmmm made me hungry now xx :P