
Oct 3, 2011

My belly is getting huge!

So I feel like a blimp! I swear my cheeks have gotten chubbier along with my tummy, and I want this baby out of me! I want to see her cute chubby cheeks and not mine! But just a bit longer to go. I am now 31 weeks, so it is getting closer! 

I had a doctor's appointment last week and the nurse thought that the baby's heart beat was a little high so she hooked me up to this monitor thing to monitor the baby's heart beat for like 20 minutes or so. They turned it up so they could hear it out in the hall to make sure it wasn't irregular or anything, and the baby kept moving so much. She did not like having that thing strapped on my tummy that is for sure. You could hear every movement she made and all the nurses were shocked at how active she was. Finally after being hooked to the monitor for a while my doctor came back from the hospital (she had an emergency surgery or something there so she was late for my appt.) but she said the baby's heartbeat was totally fine and sent me home while telling me that I had one crazy baby cause she moved so much. Tell me about it, when is that baby not moving?

I also had a second ultrasound a few weeks ago and little Analiese was holding her cute little toes! It was adorable! 
I can't wait to meet my little girl. She is going to be so cute. I am making her wear dresses and tutus every day I tell you! 

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