I really like taquitos, they are so good. I sometimes buy the microwave kind and eat like twenty of them, and then feel sick and want to die. And then I do it again the next day until the box is gone and then vow not to buy them again for a while.
So when one of my favorite blogs, Little Miss Momma posted a recipe for homemade beef taquitos I knew I would be making them. I was finally able to make them the other night, and they were AMAZING! And honestly super duper simple to make. Except you do have to pan fry them, which I hate frying things cause I always burn myself, but some of my favorite recipes involve frying things, so I do it a lot.
Mmm... I want to make more now. They are so crispy and awesome.
Jeremy decided to sneak Analiese in one of the pics too, and it was too cute not to post.
So anyway if you want to make yourself some taquitos and not the microwavey kind (even though they are good too, but these are way better) head here to Little Miss Momma for the recipe and tutorial.
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