
Mar 26, 2012

Easter Egg Wreath

While in New Mexico my mom asked me to make her a wreath for Easter. And we all know my love for wreaths. So we perused pinterest and found some that we liked (I will do a post on some ideas soon). We went to Hobby Lobby with some ideas. My mom really wanted one with blue speckled eggs and moss and maybe a nest. But geez, by the time we gathered all the stuff to make it, it was well over 20 bucks. Then we found this easter garland with little twigs and eggs and stuff, it was really cute and had the eggs she wanted. It was cheaper to just take the garland apart and use that to decorate the wreath, and we thought that it would be easier too, so thats what we did. 
I kinda forgot to take pictures of the garland before. So just use your imagination. 

I really like how it turned out and my mom said she loved it. It was also super easy to make. 

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