I gotta new table a few months ago (courtesy of a hand-me-down from my mother-in law), I love it, its blue, and has little drawers in it too to put all my junk. And its not a cheap-o table from Ikea.
But it needed a little pizzaz. Like a table runner, but I didn't have a sewing machine. So when I visited my mom in New Mexico in March I borrowed hers and made myself one while I was there. Yes, I made this clear back in March and I was just lazy and didn't post it. Now I have my own sewing machine, and I made a skirt, and someday I will get around to posting that...
This table runner is so freakin' easy. Anyone could make it, yes anyone, even if you are like me and have the sewing skills of a monkey, and not those smart ones that know sign language.
I got about two yards of burlap, and had plenty to spare (I actually probably only needed a yard of it) And I bought about 1/2 yard of muslin and used most of that for the ruffles. 

I just cut out a big rectangle of my red burlap, then I ironed about 1/3 inch of fabric on all sides, pinned and sewed it so the edges didn't fray.
Then I made the ruffles. Don't be afraid, ruffles are really easy.
I didn't take pictures while I was making them, or anything though.
So you can use the tutorial I used over at one of my favorite blogs, A Girl and a Glue Gun.
I looked at a few ruffle tutorials and they all confused me except for hers, cause she takes a lot of pictures which I love. Once I made the ruffles I just sewed them right onto the burlap. It is all straight lines.
I could have made the table runner longer, which would have been fun. But I figure with a baby who is going to be crawling in a few months, I would be an idiot to make something hang over the edge. That is an accident waiting to happen.
Also my new table did not come with chairs. I had my chairs all picked out online at a store, but waited until we had money to buy them, then once we had the money, the store is no longer selling them. Jerks! So I am still waiting to find my perfect chairs. So we are using our Ikea chairs still.
Oh and we have an office chair here since Jeremy thinks this is the office (why do we even have a spare room?)
I love ruffles too! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
This is so cute! We appreciate you linking up with us!! It's so fun to see all of the great ideas and recipes! We hope to see you back again soon! -The Sisters
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