
Jun 17, 2012

Sin in a Bowl

{This picture is from Finding Joy in My Kitchen, My layers didn't look as neat as theirs and I want to show you all the goodness that is in it, the other two pictures are mine though.}

So my momma made this dessert for Easter, and I think everyone had about five bowls of it. It was amazing! At first I wasn't going to eat it, cause I just thought it was pudding, whipped cream, and strawberries, and I thought, boring. But then I realized there were brownies in there and I had to try it, and I am so glad I did. It was super yummy! It was the hit of our Easter dinner. So I had to make it. I made it the other night for my sister in laws that were visiting us, and it was a hit again. But it didn't taste as good as my mommas. I skipped the step that the recipe suggests letting it sit for 8 hours, and the brownies didn't soak up all the pudding goodness. But the next day it was way more delicious after it sat for a while. So I suggest making this the night before or something. It is called 'Sin in a bowl' and it really does live up to its name! 

You can find the recipe for it over at Finding Joy in My Kitchen. 

And in case you are wondering. Usually when I find a recipe for something on a blog, I don't add the recipe on my blog, because I find it more polite to direct you to the original blog and if I gave you the recipe, there would be no reason for you to visit their blog, I know when I create something, I would like someone to do the same for me. 

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