
Jan 16, 2013

Pink and Orange One year old's room

I have been in the process of re-decorating A-Cake's room. Before it was just pinks and white. But I thought that it needed some more color. She is one now and I thought it was a little too babyish. So I added in some orange. I love the orange that I added. I didn't add a ton, but just enough to give it some pop and more dimension. I think it is now a room that will grow with her through her toddler and early years. 
(Please excuse the pics, some are a little blurry, its hard to take pictures in her room. She is either sleeping in it or destroying it)

This photo wall collage is above her book shelf
I also wanted way more pictures. She needed a picture of Jesus, the temple, and our church's leader. I also wanted a few more of her and a family picture. I think frames can be expensive and I am cheap, so I just bought all of these frames at all a dollar and painted them. The stickers are just wall stickers, I have seen them at the dollar store. But my Aunt gave them to Analiese for her birthday.

This is her collage over her crib.
I love these pictures, they are her at 7 months. She has grown so much since then. The big silver frame is from Ikea, but I bought it brand new in the plastic wrap  for really cheap at a thrift store. I thought about painting it, but I ended up just leaving it. The other two picture frames are just frames I bought at a garage sale, I actually think the lady gave me them for free. They used to be white. The DREAM letters I bought when we were first married at a craft store. They had the vinyl on them and everything, when I bought them. The frames were black so I sanded those suckers down (which took forever, that black paint was crazy!) and painted them pink. 

I bought this shelf at a garage sell ($0.50!). It was this really hideous yellow. I didn't even sand it, it had plastic veneer over it and the paint went on pretty easy over it. 

I love the pictures that spell out O-N-E, that we took for her one year old photo shoot. I had to hang those up. And the I re-arranged the wall by her dresser a tiny bit. I added the footprints (that used to be above her book shelf)over here. And before it only had two flower lights, the other one was over her crib. But she has surprisingly long arms and pulled the flower light down on top of her one day in her crib (luckily its really light plastic) but it had to be moved and I thought it looked cute all of them together. 
We are in an apartment, so that means no painting. If I could paint, it would be a super duper light pink and then on the wall with her crib I would have stripes of the really light pink and then either white or darker pink... someday! 

Here are a couple before pictures of her room before. This is at a different place so the furniture was switched around a little bit, but you can see the decor change. I love her new decor 100X better! 
You can see all the before pictures in a previous post HERE.

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