
Nov 29, 2010

Here comes Winter

Here are some things that we did in the Fall that I was able to cross off my fall list. 
Game Night

Wheeler Farm

Photo Shoot by Sam Pierson

Fall time is over. I am sad, in Utah we barely get a fall, I swear it goes from Summer to Winter and leaves fall behind. Fall is one of my favorite seasons too, so I hate how we don't get it here. Winter is my least favorite time, I never seem to be warm and I honestly HATE the snow! I love Utah, but man that is one thing I hate about it. I already have like super anxiety any time I am in the car, especially when I am driving, so the snow only amplifies that anxiety like twenty times more. I tend to be a hermit in the winter. But anyway since fall is over I need to update my fall list and see what I did . I guess I finished about half of the list.

Go on a picnic in the park.
Visit Wheeler FarmHave a photo shoot of Jeremy and I at like a park or somewhere.
Host a game nightSee duckies one last time on the trail by our house.
Walk around Day Break Lake
Go to the coppermine
Go to Barnes and Noble and sit in one of their comfy chairs and read
Make one last trip to the mountains
Swing on swings
Finish my last player on Fable
Have a Mario Party Night
Have Pride and Prejudice day
Host a party
See Harry Potter 7
Have Harry Potter nightRead Pride and Prejudice

Well I still have some time to finish my Fable 2 last player, we get the new one for Christmas. And I did plan a Pride and Prejudice day, but I ended up having to cancel it, but I fully intend to have a wonderful day of watching all five hours of the A & E version with my Aunt Bonnie. And once I go to the library I will get the book as well to read. The party I am going to host is going to be a murder mystery party, so I am going to buy a box of the game and host a dinner murder mystery. I have been talking about doing one non-stop, I just don't know if anyone would want to do it... But it will happen soon.
So now that its Winter time for a new list.

Winter Wonderland Activities to do:

Host a Murder Mystery Dinner Party
Go Sledding
Make Toffee
Learn to make Potstickers
Read Pride and Prejudice
Watch Pride and Prejudice
Build a snowman
Make a countdown to Christmas
Finish my scrapbook.

Pride and Prejudice - The Special Edition (A&E, 1996)

Also I won another give away in Blogland! I am on a lucky streak lately. But I won a cute wreath from

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