
Nov 28, 2010


MMM.. I Iove Thanksgiving so much. Turkey is like the best thing ever. My family was also able to come down to visit from New Mexico. So it was great to see my family and eat large quantities of food. On Wednsday night we went to Cafe Rio with my family because they don't have that in New Mexico and my family misses it a lot. Then on Thanksgiving we went to my mother-in law's house for Thanksgiving lunch. We had the whole shebang, and it was super yummy, and then we had a few hours to rest our tummies and then we were off to my aunt's house with all my family for Thanksgiving dinner. Its tradition that we all play hide-and - seek a few hours after Thanksgiving dinner so that was fun! I am not a great hider though :( . On Friday it was my sister's birthday. She turned thirteen, I can't believe it, it was crazy! She now wants purses and makeup and jewelry, which is weird. Then yesterday, Saturday, we hung out with my parents, they took us to lunch and then we visited family with them and then went to Outback Steakhouse with them. My dad works there, so we eat free, and it is delicious. Then we played some games at one of my aunts. It was a great weekend. Last year I made a Thanksgiving dinner for just Jeremy and I the day after Thanksgiving. I haven't had time to yet, but I fully intend to do it this week. I love Thanksgiving leftovers and making turkey sandwiches and stuff, so I have to make a turkey and stuff. I had a lot of fun doing it last year as well.
Also I am way excited cause I follow this other blog called My Give Away Today and it gives something away to a person each day. Well I won on Wednsday so I get a fifty dollar gift card to buy vinyl lettering. Hooray!! Its a cool blog so you all should head on over there. Now I have to decide what to get, that is the hard part. I have a few crafty things that I am going to be making for Christmas so I will post those once they are done. AHH the L on my keyboard is going out or something, I have to push it really hard, I am way annoyed.

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