
Dec 22, 2010

I was featured!!

I am so excited, my recipe for the slow cooker pulled pork was featured on another blog.

Its my first time being featured on another blog for anything and I am so happy.
Dana was super nice and invited me to her cute blog's linky party that they had last week, and then she featured my bbq pork recipe. I have had my blog since August, but I just barely started branching out, I originally intended it to be a more family blog, but then I started crafting and posting recipes and found the whole fun world of blog land. So my little blog is growing and I am so excited.
But I really love Saturday Mornings blog, they are holding a giveaway for $50 American Express giveaway so you should go there... NOW.
I have recently had a few more followers too, and I just wanted to say Hello to all my new friends and I look forward to getting to know all of you more!
I also use exclamation points alot, so I am sorry about that, its a bad habit, haha.

1 comment:

  1. No way! I love that recipe! And exclamation points. But that is so cool you were featured! Congrats!


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