
Dec 27, 2010

What i have been working on!

 I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I had a blast. And I was totally spoiled by my husband and the rest of my family. 
I have been sooo busy lately. I have had my family in town visiting here from their home in New Mexico and I have been crafting away like a madman.
So here is a glimpse of what I have been working on.
I made a bunch of these ribbon rosettes like the one in my giveaway last week. I made more for my sister too.

Here are all my fabric rosettes that I made over the last week. I made a few more, but these are just the ones I am selling on my etsy shop. Basically what I have been doing is putting a pin clasp behind most of them and then putting them on necklace chains. I am doing it like that because then you only need one chain and then you can change out the rosettes easily to match your outfit or mood. these are so much fun to make!

See! I thought it was a good idea, then you can buy one super cute chain and just wear it with different rosettes.  I have also made a few into headbands, I love the stretchy bungee type headbands, they are so cute! Also I gave my mom one that looks like the red and white rosette and she uses it as a brooch she just pinned it on her coat and now her coat is all jazzed up!

So I am starting an etsy shop so if you are interested in buying these they are going for $8.00 on Etsy for a headband or necklace, whichever you want. But If you a follower of my blog you can get them for $6.00. I would post a link for my etsy shop, but its still in the process of being set up. I am having technical difficulties getting the pics on there. Apparently I have to shrink the pictures. Which I don't know how to do. I need my husband's MAC. So the etsy shop will be up shortly. But if your interested in buying one contact me and you can ge the discount price!

But anyway look at what I was given! Magnet boards, aren't they so cute!! I am so excited to hang them up they are both so cute.

My friend Addison gave me this one

And my aunt Lori gave me this one!

They are so cute. I love them.

I looked at them a bit to see how they were made and all you get is a magnet board or some type of metal board (I know Addison got hers at the Wood Connection. A place where I have yet to go, but am dying to see!) And then you get some cute scrapbooking paper and then mod podge it on there. (Do you like how i used mod podge as a verb?) Then to make the magnets Addison used brads, cut off the pokey things and glued a magnet to them. Lori cut out metal squares or bought metal, not sure which put some cute vinyl on there and glued a magnet to the back. Top it off with some ribbon and you are good to go! I love them ladies, thanks so much!


  1. So cute!! Teach me how to make them!! :)

  2. Hey Vanessa! I just discovered blogspot (check mine out!) and I was looking through some of your older posts. Do you really not like cheese? I thought everyone liked cheese!

    I guess I should be a little more understanding. Did you know I don't like chocolate? :)

  3. I haven't tried making rosettes yet. Yours are very pretty! Thanks for linking up today!

  4. Very cute!!!
    I love the ribbon ones. You should do a tutorial. :]

  5. Hey Pretty girl! Im your newest follower!! LOVE THESE! So cute! And i love your blog! You made me chuckle! I would LOOOVE for you to link these up at my linky! And I wouls DOUBLE love you to Follow back...But link these pretties up FO SHO!




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