
Dec 14, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

So over the summer I bought this mirror at a garage sale for two bucks! Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of it before I spray painted it, but it was gold, like old ugly horrible gold, that looked like it belonged in the 70's. But I loved the design of the mirror, so I bought it. I had it in storage for a while, deciding where I wanted to put it and what color I wanted it. Eventually I decided it would be perfect for my kitchen wall! Since my kitchen colors are yellow and red, I thought yellow would rock. 

{Tutorial for the Home Sweet Home frame HERE, and the wreath is a coffee filter wreath that I did not make, but I love! }

Here is just the mirror, and there I am waving at ya! It is impossible to take a straight on shot of a mirror  without taking a picture of yourself. It was after 8 so I was in my pj's! 

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