
Feb 28, 2012

A-Cake's Room

I finally finished decorating my little A-Cake's room. I am loving her room! It is just so cute and pink! I went with her colors being mainly pink and white, but with other bright colors accenting it. 

Her Crib- we bought it new at Wal-mart. I love the style of it. And I love white, its so simple and girly. 
The rocking chair was my mother-in-laws back when my husband was a baby. I read her a book and rock her in it before I put her down for her nap.
I bought her bedding on ebay (new of course) it is so cute and bright, I love it! 
{She still sleeps in a cradle in my room, so don't get your panties all up in a bunch, I will take the bumper-pads and the stuffed animals out of it before she sleeps in there}.

I made the pictures on the wall with some all a dollar pictures. They were just wooden board pictures that I modpodged scrapbooking paper to. Super easy.

Don't you love the flowers? They are actually lights. My mother-in-law bought them for A-Cakes for Christmas from Ikea. They are so cute. They give off a faint pink light, she loves looking at them when they are on. 

This was my husband's old dresser from before we were married. But it was not in great shape, it had watermarks on top and discoloring and was a really light colored wood. I sanded it and painted it white to match her crib. I wish I had thought to take before and after pics.... I do want to buy some new knobs for it sooner or later though. 

I made the pinwheels and put them in that flower box that I painted pink. Then I added some green tissue paper to look like grass. 
Don't you love the princess picture frame, it was mine, but now its hers. And that was my Belle snowglobe, my dad bought it for me. It is so intricate and pretty. 

Guess what?! That was my babychanger when I was a baby. Crazy huh? It was all eighties pastel colors, but still in super good shape, so my mom helped me sand it and paint it as well. I have some more plans with this, but they involve sewing and I need to borrow a sewing machine first... 
My aunt made the bow board up there. It is so cute and nice to hang all her little flower clips. 

Her bookshelf. I read to her several times a day, always before I put her down for a nap or to bed. 
The pictures are for her footprints, my other aunt gave them to me. For newborn, six months, and 12 months prints. 
The dolls are my old ones. I had the one in the red dress since I was 8. But it is still in amazing shape. They are Apple Valley Dolls, you get to pick out the hair and eye color and their facial expressions. I absolutely loved these dolls, they were some of my most prized possessions and I have amazing memories playing with them, I hope she has some great memories with them. And maybe even have her own dolls she picks out from there too if she wants. 
The Belle barbie and small doll were mine too. Now they are hers. If you haven't noticed, Belle is my favorite princess. I can't wait to watch Beauty and the Beast with her someday. 

Tutu wreath for her door. You can find the post HERE

Feb 18, 2012

Tutu Wreath

Well I think we all know how obsessed I am with wreaths by now. I always am thinking of an excuse to make one. And Analiese's door was crying out to have a wreath.  And it HAD to be pink! 

I just got strips of tulle about 10 inches long each. And did four strips of each color. I used four different colors of pink ranging in darkness, from a pink so light it is almost white to a hot pink. I then tied the strips around an embroidery hoop I had (like I did with the red rosette wreath and the book page wreath). I then hung a wooden A that I had painted in the middle of it, and voila! Done! It took me a few hours each night of cutting and tying to make it, but it was so worth it. I love it! It looks so cute on her door. It looks like a cute little tutu. 

Double Chocolate Cookie Bars

If you don't like chocolate, don't bother reading this post.
Imagine chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate, kind of a moussey chocolate, on top of oreo crust.  That is what these bars are. 
These bars a alot like making the Magic Cookie Bars I made the other day. But are way more chocolatey.

I found this recipe in my mom's recipe box like four years ago. I have no idea where she got it. I think she clipped it out of a magazine or something maybe it was a recipe to advertise for condensed milk, cause it has another recipe for fudge that you make with condensed milk. But I stole it from her (sorry mom, but do you really bake all that often anyway?) But I stole it for the fudge recipe, which by the way is really good and I will post on here shortly. But I have looked at this cookie bar recipe for ages always wanting to make it, but never having the oreos to make it...  But I finally did it, and now this is going to be a staple dessert recipe in our house! 

So here is the recipe: 

Double Chocolate Cookie Bars
2 C. finely crushed Oreos (about 24 cookies)
1/4 c melted margarine (I added 2 more Tbsp of melted butter because the 1/4 c. didn't seem like enough)
1 (12-oz) pckg semi sweet chocolate chips
1 (14-oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup  nuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Combine crumbs and margarine; press crumbs firmly onto bottom of 13X9 pan. In Medium saucepan over med. heat melt 1 C. chips with condensed milk and vanilla. Pour evenly over prepared crust. Top with nuts and remaining chips. Bake 20 minutes or until set. Cool. chill if desired. cut into bars. 

Oh my gosh these were so freaking good. I really liked them the night I made them, but they were even better the next day.